This is the personal website of David W. Norris
"For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!" (1 Corinthians 9:16)
"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." (2 Corinthians 5:20-21)
An exposition of the parable in Luke 12:13-21 about
whence is it?
Up until now I have deliberately refrained from becoming entangled in an appraisal of the Pentecostal/Charismatic phenomenon. The reason has been twofold: on the one hand practical and on the other personal. As a movement it is impossibly diverse and multifarious, ranging from quiet error to rampant blasphemy and heresy. This makes it difficult to know which of its many tails to take hold of first. On a personal level, I have lost many friends to the movement, several becoming well-known leaders. One, a Swedish friend, was a room-mate at the Bible Institute where my wife and I were students. He has since his elevation to dizzy heights refused to acknowledge my emails. Another friend from the United States along with his wife became Bible teachers with the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship or ‘Toronto Blessing’. Seeing that we were once such good friends, this makes matters distressing.
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Salvation: more than an insurance policy to escape punishment and secure eternal life.
The temptation to which, alas, so many succumb, to continue at the Cross, and on Golgotha to close up their account with Christ, is fatal to the faith. The way it happens is as follows: The conscience wakes up for a moment; the weight of sin burdens the soul; fear of the coming Judgement strikes fear to the heart. In such a moment, the comforting thought of the Cross arises invitingly in the soul. For if the Atoning Sacrifice is but accepted, one is saved. Nothing needs to be done for it save to believe. One lets himself be persuaded to do this. And to say it as sharply as the case deserves, one closes the bargain. And now one deems himself saved. Now he accepts the fact that he assured of eternal life. He finds the Atoning Sacrifice to be glorious. It brings perfect salvation. Thus to such a one, Christ has become the Saviour. But of a more intimate, tenderer tie that binds his soul to Christ, nothing is learned from his conversation, nothing suggests it in the utterances of his religious life. He is now saved and that ifs the end of it.
Yet this is nothing but self-deceit. Nothing stirs in it save spiritual egoism. Escape is sought from eternal punishment. One wants to insure himself for eternal salvation. But nothing in this suggests thirst after the living God; nothing of the child’s home-sickness after the Father’s house; nothing of holy jealousy for the honour of God’s Name.
From this no spiritual power can go out. No religion can operate in it, nor come out from it. And what is more, it can not be true that in this wise Golgotha can bring propitiation for the life of the soul.
So the Gospel does not speak like this. It does not interpret the Atoning Sacrifice in this way. Never in Scripture is the power of redemption attributed to Golgotha, except as the mystical union binds our inner life to the life of Christ.
It must be a being buried with Christ in His death in order to rise with Him unto life. They alone who have become one planting with Christ share in the grace which He has obtained.
They alone who have become sheep of His flock can follow the great Shepherd of souls.
It is not the Cross that saves us, but He who saves us is the Christ who died on the Cross
You must be one with Christ, member of His Body, accepted and incorporated under Him as your Head before one single drop of His grace can be sprinkled upon you.
You must have been given in the Father to the Christ in order that His glory may become manifest in you.
The mystical union must have laid the tie of love forever between Christ and your soul.
Yes, it must become Christ in you, in order that, through this middle link, your life near unto your God may become a reality.
For so prayed your Saviour Himself in His High Priestly prayer: “Holy Father, I in them, and Thou in Me!” (John 17:23)
Yet, if our mystical union with Christ shall preserve its truly religious character, and not degenerate into sentimental Christolatry, this tie that binds us in Christ must never find its final end in itself.
The Christ is your Mediator, and there can be no Mediator save for the one purpose of causing you to approach God.
To be near to God, with a child’s confidence; to feel yourself close by God; here on earth to abide in the nearness of God through faith, and once after your death, to serve God eternally in the Father-house above ― that is and remains the final end; and all that the Scriptures reveal unto us regarding the Mediatorship of Christ must result in this, and can never rest within itself.
Abraham Kuyper, To Be Near Unto God
Recently rewritten and expanded
“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God” (John 17:3)
“The verse does not say that he who knows the Father shall receive eternal life. It is not said: If you are religious and zealously seek to know God, your rewards after your death shall be eternal life. It states altogether differently that, to know God is itself eternal life. And you realize the difference is heaven-wide. Eternal life, taken as a reward for your painstaking efforts to learn to know God, is a superficial mechanical and unnatural interpretation. On the contrary an eternal life that itself consists in knowing God is a thought so deep, that you, peering into it, see no bottom. …
But the knowledge of God itself is eternal life. He who possesses this knowledge already possesses this eternal life now. On the other hand, he who dies without having found this knowledge of God here, will not find it in the hereafter. On him the eternal morning never dawns.”
Abraham Kuyper in To Be Near Unto God
The second of three messages on the parables in Luke 15
In Mediterranean countries to this day, when someone wants to convey some information or make a point, they will often tell a story. This indirect approach may be for reasons of safety and security so that the teller of the story can always say that he never said such and such a thing. Generally, those intended to know the meaning of the tale will fasten onto what is being said and to whom it is directed. For those not party to the purpose, it may just seem to be a story and nothing more. Sometimes these stories are like a riddle and the hearers will be left to puzzle out the meaning, or they will miss the whole point and need to have everything explained to them clearly.
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Video messages on
coming soon:
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A spiritual pilgrimage...
I do not know how many years God still will grant me or whether I shall fall to some sickness or disability, but it is my intention to live my life to the glory of my precious Lord who saved me.
My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.
So very often the writings of theologians are set aside as purely academic exercises above the heads of ordinary believers and of little help to those looking for a living relationship with the Lord Jesus. Indeed, this may be true of many. This can hardly be said of the works of men like Herman Bavinck or Abraham Kuyper. They wrote not only from exceptional intellectual attainment, but more, what they wrote grew from an intimate personal knowledge of and love of the Lord Jesus. This is nowhere clearer than in Kuyper’s book of meditations: To Be Near Unto God (1908). It still readily available, new and second-hand, and I earnestly recommend it, such a blessing. Breathing his last in November 1920, he was asked by a friend and colleague: “Shall I tell the people that God has been your Refuge and Strength to the end?” Kuyper’s answer when it came was distinct although whispered in weakness: “Yes, altogether”.
(Extracts from the first chapter of the book by Dr Kuyper)
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“The inward preciousness of being near to God extends still further, penetrates still more deeply, until it comes to that unspeakable, indescribable, unfathomable reality, that the Lord Himself in the Holy Ghost unites Himself so closely with our spirit, that He is not only above and around us, but that He is also in us, that He takes up His abode with us, makes our heart His dwelling place, and that conversational communion between God and our soul takes place in our own inmost self.”
ABRAHAM KUYPER (1837-1920)
Should I still go to church when my husband forbids it? For one wife’s experience read this account by John Fletcher
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An experience in the ministry of John Fletcher of Madeley
"I now know why my sermon was taken from me – namely, that God might thus magnify His mercy."
Conflict with Caesar is not inevitable.
“Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.” (Matthew 22:21)
It only becomes inevitable when Caesar demands for himself what belongs to God. As long as the State does not claim absolute authority and autonomy, it can play a lawful role in establishing law and order. In this capacity it is the ‘servant of God’ (Romans 13:4)
Problems arise when the State assumes not a derivative or a relative authority, but claims for itself absolute and autonomous authority. In seeking to make itself the centre of all human loyalties, the goal of human aspiration, the source of human values, the final arbiter of human destiny without using religious language, then just like pagan Rome is has become a modern deity.
Government has now become a religion and is in direct conflict with genuine Christian faith. It claims to be a modern ‘divine Caesar’ without saying as much lest there be widespread civil unrest. As Christians and good men sleep, the pagan State enlarges itself and consolidates its gains. The Church wilts before the Leviathan State instead of slaying it.
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“It is upon a field of the dead that the Sun of righteousness has risen, and the shouts that announce His advent fall on deaf ears; yea, even though the morning stars should again sing for joy and the air be palpitant with the echo of the great proclamation, their voice could not penetrate the ears of the dead. As we sweep our eyes over the world lying in wickedness, it is the valley of the prophet’s vision which we see before us: a valley that is filled with bones, and lo! they are very dry. What benefit is there in proclaiming to dry bones the greatest of redemptions? How shall we stand and cry, O, ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! In vain the redemption, in vain its proclamation, unless there comes a breath from heaven to breathe upon these slain that they may live.”
Benjamin Warfield, Studies in Theology, p.9
“If God is sovereign, then His Lordship must extend over all of life, and it cannot be restricted to the walls of the Church or within the Christian orbit. The non-Christian world has not been handed over to Satan, nor surrendered to fallen humanity, nor consigned to fate. God’s sovereignty is great and all-dominating in the life of the unbaptized world as well. Therefore, Christ’s Church on earth and God’s children cannot simply retreat from this life. If the believer’s God is at work in this world, then in this world the believer’s hand must take hold of the plough, and the Name of the Lord must be glorified in that activity as well.”
(Abraham Kuyper, (De Gemeene Gratie, vol.i, pp. xxxvi-xxxvii)
Only one King can make the world His Kingdom
And hold it for His own;
God’s ancient covenant His house established,
An everlasting throne;
Majesty, glory, power and dominion
Are His and His alone, Lord of all lords and King of kings, eternal,
Great David’s greater Son.
"This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
(Acts 4:11-12)
“The benefits which Christ has achieved for us by His great love are so rich that they simply cannot be calculated or estimated at their just value. They comprehend no less than a whole and perfect salvation” Herman Bavinck, in ‘Magnalia Dei’
Many of you will know that my dear wife, Valerie, who had suffered with Parkinson's disease for many years went to be with the Lord on 9th June 2023. I miss her so much.
Read the extraordinary events of Valerie's life including the flight of the family from eastern to western Europe at the end of World War 2, through a harsh winter, six months in a covered wagon, and how God preserved them all.
click here“If the knowledge of visible things can enrich life, how much more will the knowledge of God make for life? For God is not a God of death and of the dead, but of life and the living. All those whom He recreated after His image and restored to His fellowship are by that fact raised above the level of death and mortality. He that believes on me, said Jesus, though he were dead, shall live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die (John 11:25-26). Knowing God in Christ brings with is eternal life, imperturbable joy, and heavenly blessedness. These are not merely effects, but the knowing of God is itself a new, eternal, and blessed life.”
(Herman Bavinck, The Wonderful Works of God, p.14)
What happens to Christian believers when they pass away?
Where do they go?
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"But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive me." Psalm 49:15
We should all be most concerned with the meaning of reality and with the coherence of meaning in the created works of God. One essential undertaking is to seek to view each separate part of reality in its connection with all the others and in relation to the whole. There is a coherence between the different spheres placed in creation by God and everyone is subject to those laws God has established within creation itself for its own existence and preservation.
The sovereignty of each sphere is derived from God’s order for creation and expounded in Scripture. God created all things according to their nature, including societal relationships. The Scriptures therefore contain the basic principles for all aspects of human society.
read complete article HERE
“The sphere of the Church is distinct from that of the civil magistrate … What needs to be appreciated now is that its sphere is co-ordinate with that of the State. The Church is not subordinate to the State, nor is the State subordinate to the Church. They are both subordinate to God, and to Christ in His mediatorial dominion as head over all things to the body of the Church.”
John Murray, Collected Writings, Vol. I, p.254
What is the reality in modern godless Britain? There are of course those who spend sometimes almost a lifetime caring and tending ailing loved ones and they ought not to go without mention. Despite this, throughout the UK, 43 funerals a week are arranged for those who die alone, friendless and without family around them. The isolation and loneliness experienced by so many older folk in our communities is something approaching a national scandal. Of the 10.8 million aged 65 and over, 3.5 million live alone, a quarter of these are friendless, and 1.6 million have little or no contact either with neighbours or family. This age group accounts for a fifth of all suicides. Living in undignified circumstances many of these old people feel that they having nothing left to contribute. They are left at the edge of our communities in loneliness to fade into oblivion. All too often we read of the body of some poor soul being discovered in an advanced state of decay after dying alone in their home and lying for weeks undiscovered. It happens all the time and this is an appalling indictment against the nature of many of our communities.
Who then is a believer?
“We have to keep to the rule that we cannot judge of the heart, but only of the external conduct, and even that defectively. Those who, as the human eye sees them, are walking in the way of the covenant must according to the judgement of love be regarded and treated as our fellows in grace. But in the final analysis is not our judgement, but God’s, that determines. He is the Knower of hearts the Trier of the reins. With Him there is no respecting of persons. Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).”
Hermann Bavinck in Our Reasonable Faith
Possibly the most important series of articles I have yet written
“The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” (Romans 5:5)
“We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.” (1 John 3:14)
Sections include:
1. A debt that cannot be paid
2. Alive or dead?
3. Regeneration an act of God
4. God will not be refused
5. Right with God
6. Sanctification
7. How do I know that I have passed from death to life?
8. The greatest of these is love
9. The suffering of love
The Completed Revelation of God
Herman Bavinck
Since the revelation is complete, the time is now come in which its content is made the property of mankind. Whereas in the Old Testament everything led up to Christ, in the New Testament everything is derived from Him. Christ is the turning point of times. The promise, made to Abraham, now comes to all nations. The Jerusalem which was below gives way to the Jerusalem which is above and is the mother of us all (Galatians 4:26).
read the complete article
What is the biblical Reformed Faith?
Reformed Distinctives
Read this important article
"Nothing short of the Christ of the Scriptures, as presented in historic Reformed theology, can challenge men to forsake their sin and establish them in truth and life." Cornelius Van Til
All one in Christ Jesus
“For my own part, I believe sects and denominations to be the result of the devil’s attempt to mar and hinder as far as possible the visible union of the church of God; and that they all have their root in our spiritual pride and selfishness, our self-sufficiency and our sin. …
May God forgive us for, and correct our divisions! Nothing gives greater occasion to the outside world, than the differences between professing Christians. The bickerings and contentions between men and women of different sects and denominations of the visible church of God has always been one of the world’s greatest hindrances. Instead of looking on, and being constrained to confess, ‘See how these Christians love one another,’ the world has too often reason to say, ‘See how they carp at one another, see how they judge one another, see how they malign one another.’”
Marcus Rainsford in The Lord’s Prayer for Believers
We live in a time of profound crisis: gargantuan military, economic, political, legal, educational, moral, social, religious upheaval. A new Dark Age threatens. We face a centralized planned world that assumes for itself complete omniscience and virtual omnipotence, an imitation of the attributes that exist only in God.
Read the full text here
The Huguenot document of 1579, Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos, stressed the duty of all men to obey the law of God. It went on to argue that should rulers command the contrary, it becomes the duty of the people under the leadership of magistrates to oppose such a king in order to uphold God’s law. The law of God applies to all men in the first instance because He is the Sovereign Creator of all things.
Read the full text here
Refusing the providential working of God, men substitute their own version of predestination in its place. Modern social scientists and politicians strive to escape the dismal predictions of the poets and popular songwriters in their own way: a victory for the human race is to be gained only by total control and prediction, by tyranny. Today, humanistic science, godless economic theories, politics of every colour and creed, are charged with the task of bringing order where they see chaos, meaning where absurdity rules and by using force where necessary. Social order must be created and enforced; there must be total planning through education, economic intervention, and environmental controls. There must be total control with nothing left to playful fortune. The irresistible will of nature must be tamed and harnessed. Central to this project are the functions of the State, but also science, the media, schools, universities and whatever other tools lie to hand. Everything is to be planned by an élite and nothing left to itself. History is not determined by fortune or fate, chaos or chance, nor is it in the incapable hands of social scientists or politicians, but in those of our sovereign God. History has meaning only because of God’s eternal decree and the act of creation. “Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world” (Acts 15:18).
Read the full text here
No faithless, weak withdrawal from the struggle
We may not be a sect. We may not want to be one, and we cannot be one, except by a denial of the absolute character of the truth. Indeed, the kingdom of heaven is not of this world. But it does demand that everything in this world serve it. It is exclusive and jealous, and it will judge no independent or neutral kingdom of the world alongside of itself. Naturally, it would be much easier to leave this age to its own ways, and to seek our strength in a quiet withdrawal. No such rest, however is permitted to us here. Because every creature is good, and nothing is to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving, since all things are sanctified by the Word of God and prayer, therefore the rejection of any creature were ingratitude to God, a misjudgement or under-evaluation of His goodness and His gifts. Our warfare may be conducted against sin alone. No matter how complicated the relationships may be, therefore, in which the confessors of Christ are placed in this time, no matter how serious, difficult, and virtually insurmountable the social, political, and especially the scientific problems may be, it were faithlessness and weakness in us proudly to withdraw from the struggle, perhaps even under the guise of Christian motivation, and to reject the culture of the age as demonic.
Herman Bavinck
A Christian country: is it a delusion or should it be a reality?
Many will question the very idea of a Christian country or State and consider it delusory. At the other end of the argument are those who firmly believe that our present godless nations can be turned into Christian ones. Is either one of these positions supported by Scripture? In order to resolve this question, we must ask ourselves, if a nation does not order its affairs according to the Word of God by what measure ought it to be ruled? There can be no other answer than that every State, every nation ought to be Christian and challenged to be so.
The indispensability of good works
“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” (James 1:22)
Read it here
There was a time when the Bible enjoyed a privileged place at the heart of British life. This is far from being the case today.
To abandon God is the height of folly, but to be abandoned by God is profoundly tragic.
“Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” (Isaiah 55:6-7)
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The living Christ, the object of our faith
Herman Bavinck (1854-1921)
Dutch Reformed theologian and churchman.
The peculiarity of the Christian religion as has been shown so often, and acknowledged even by opponents, lies in the person of Christ. All other religions are independent, to a certain degree, of their founders, because those founders were nothing more than their first confessors. But Jesus was not the first Christian; he was and is the Christ. He is not the subject, but the object, of religion. Christianity is not the religion of Jesus, still less of Jesus-worship, but Christ religion. Christianity is now as dependent on him, from moment to moment, as when he trod this earth. For he is not a person who lived and worked only in the past, but he lives and works still, is still Prophet, Priest, and King, and himself upholds the Church, which he established, from age to age, and assures her victory.
Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ
Promoting the authentic, historic, God-centred and biblical reformed faith
Presenting the Christian faith for all of life
Permission to reproduce or quote from any article is freely granted. However, out of pure courtesy please acknowledge the author and give the link to this website.
What we believe
So many these days deny essential elements of the Christian faith. We happily identify ourselves with the ancient creeds of the Christian Church, some of which can be read here.
See our extensive Statement of Faith
Also Creeds and Reformed Confessions
"The benefits which Christ has achieved for us by His great love are so rich that they simply cannot be calculated or estimated at their just value. They comprehend no less than a whole and perfect salvation"
“Christ is Himself Christianity. He stands, not outside it, but inside of it. In one word, Christ is the not one who points the way to Christianity, but is the way itself.”
Herman Bavinck in Magnalia Dei
“When we go to God by prayer, the devil knows we go to fetch strength against him and therefore opposeth us all he can.”
Richard Sibbes
"God’s greatness and almightiness do not limit and bind themselves to the narrower domain of the salvation of souls, but permeate the whole of human life; and with every one of us, according to our talents and calling, love for God must express itself in every department of life with equal zeal and power."
Abraham Kuyper in To be Near unto God
“A holy minister is an awful weapon in the hands of God”
Robert Murray M’Cheyne
J. C. Ryle, first bishop of Liverpool (1816-1900)
"I want no departure from the old Protestant paths which were made by Cranmer, Ridley and Latimer, three hundred years ago. In short, about the value of the English Reformation I want no new views. I unhesitatingly affirm that the “old are better.”
"If the words of Christ, who was eternal Wisdom and Truth, were perverted, why should we wonder that His servants and children suffer from similar misrepresentations"
Zeisius in Lange's Commentary, Vol 1, p.496
"He whose thoughts rise a little above the trivial must not be surprised if he is throughly misunderstood by most men."
Rothe in Stille Stunde
So you think you are a Christian…
There are thousands upon thousands of lovely and sincere people who believe that they are genuine Christians, but they have been misled and are living under a delusion.
Read this important article_______________________
"Not monarchs, nor empires, but “the heavens do rule!” God alone is the ground of the universe, and His righteousness, truth, mercy and holiness, His will and His judgments, are the establishment of His throne. Might does not make right, but the nature and the will of God. Right is not the enactment of the State. The maxims of expediency and selfish interests are not law. The will of princes, cabinets and counsellors is not the measure of obligation. The right of rule rests not on human conquests, nor is the power to rule the creation of a people. God alone is the ground and source of all."
Nathaniel West (1826-1906)
David Baron in his commentary on Zechariah wrote these words back in 1918:
“It is a striking and noteworthy fact to observe, that commerce is more and more bringing the nations under its sway. It now sets up the governments and dictates the policies of the nations. It is for it that the mighty armaments are being built and wars are being made.”
"All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations."
(Psalm 22:27-28)
“I preached as never sure to preach again,
And as a dying man to dying men”
Poetic Fragments Richard Baxter
“Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.”
William Carey
"Doctrine must be straight as a plumb line, sure, and without sin. Therefore nothing must be preached in the Church except the sure, pure and one Word of God. Where that is missing, we no longer have the Church, but the synagogue of the devil."
Martin Luther in Against Hanswurst
Cry aloud, thou that sittest in the dust,
Cry to the proud, the cruel, and unjust;
Knock at the gates of nations, rouse their fears;
Say wrath is coming, and the storm appears;
But raise the shrillest cry in British ears.
William Cowper
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Read the many articles on this subject here
“No one has made good progress in the school of Christ unless he anticipates with joy the day of his death and of the final resurrection.”
John Calvin, Institutes of Religion
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For more articles on Education and the Family look here
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The whole world is at war, divided into two irreconcilable camps. Furthermore, we each and every one are all involved, no one is excused, there are no conscientious objectors.
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them.” (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
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